Kaitlyn Lagattuta

Kaitlyn Lagattuta

Harvard Medical School MD-PhD Student
Kaitlyn Lagattuta

I'm an MD/PhD student (MD though the Harvard/MIT HST program and PhD in Bioinformatics & Integrative Genomics). I joined the Raychaudhuri lab in the summer of 2020, and I am currently analyzing covariation between T cell receptor (TCR) sequence features and T cell phenotype. More broadly, I am interested in how the immune receptor repertoire modifies disease risk, and how developmental processes give rise to age- and sex- specific incidences of various autoimmune diseases. In undergrad, I studied Computer Science at Stanford and worked on integrating genetic and epigenetic data to predict metastatic recurrence in kidney cancer. Outside of lab, I enjoy baking, going on hikes, playing softball, and doing anything with kids!
